:: Professional Mediation Training ::
Become a professional mediator and conflict intervenor
For Whom?
The mediation training will be offered in English for a professional use of mediation. The course is designed for people with frequent conflict interation at work and for people who like to deepen their understand of conflict dynamic and would like to try new ways of coping with it.
The mediation training is is multiprofessional and aimed at people from all conflict areas, whose work always focuses on conflict management and conflict prevention. However, the course is also intended for those who want to embark on new ways of dealing with conflicts both in everyday life as well as in their partnership and family.
The fields of application of mediation competence are different: i.e. mediate crisis in human communication, conflict prevention for differences in ethnicity, culture, age, gender, faith, etc., for leadership and management in full-time and voluntary structures, for personnel and organizational development and project management.
You work in the legal or social field, in the administration or in a social institution, as a teacher or responsible for the staff in the company, company instructor or police officer? Or are you still studying? Then you are in the right place!
Structure and Content
Whether you want to apply mediation professionally or acquire mediation competence as an adjunct to your professional activity: this training series will meet both objectives equally with its modular structure.
As a basis in the seminar serves the Tansformative Mediation as newly emerging flow from the USA and also the classic and widely used probelm-solving model of mediation (Facilitative Mediation). Skills are acquired to professionally accompany conflict mediation skills, increase mediative attitudes and promote creativity. Your reflectivity, imagination and empathy are strengthened. Taking into account the preferred working method of each participant, you will also be given the opportunity to develop a personal and distinctive style from your already learned and acquired skills. This is made possible by the high attention to self-reflection and self-determination.
Last but not least, the ability to carry out educational events on topics of constructive conflict management should also be conveyed - as a contribution to the development of a positive culture of debate in the society.
Learnin Objectives
Upon completion of this program, participants will:
Understand transformative conflict theory.
Understand how it can serve as a useful guiding framework for us in conflict.
Understand the need for and usefulness of having a moral grounding to guide our conflict behavior.
Explore practical strategies for responding to conflict, using the transformative framework to guide our actions and responses.
Be familiar with the concepts of empowerment and recognition.
Understand the purpose of third party intervention in the transformative framework.
Understand the practices a mediator employs to support party empowerment and inter-party recognition.
Be able to engage in the practices of a transformative mediator.
Scope of Training

The mediation training series is divided into five modules. In order to consider previous knowledge and requirements of the participants, all modules can be booked individually. Through the annual cycle of training, you can use the modules according to your desired and needed increase in knowledge and thus determine the duration of an complete mediation training yourself. In accordance with the training standards of the BM (Ausbildungsstandards des BM ) for an underpined training, we therefore recommend visiting all four modules with a total of 200 hours. The training hours are spread over:
150 hours in seminars (basic course, exercises, specialization)
20 hours of intervision (independent learning groups on mediation-related topics)
30 hours of supervision (regarding practise, role and conflict behavior)
Of the total of 150 seminar hours (fundamentals, exercises, subject areas), at least 120 must be completed by at least one instructor BM. Up to 30 hours can be done by instructors who are not licensed by the "Ausbilder BM" trainer of BM. At least 80 of these 200 hours must be completed in the same training context with permanent participats.
Location and Dates of Training
The training will takes place in suitable seminar rooms in Magdeburg, Berlin or Hamburg. The basic course as well as the specialization modules can be offered in a compact form in order to meet the limited time resources of the participants.
The estimation where the course takes place is still in process and will be posted soon. Please contact us to take inform us about your desired preferences according to time and space. We will work it out to arrange a suitable frame for all people interested in the training.
Qualification and Certification
The training is based on the standards of the Bundesverband Mediation e.V. (BM®) and the Institute for the Studies of Conflict Transformation (ISCT) and will be confirmed by Christian Hartwig, licensed instructor for Mediation for both organisations.
Trainer and Diversity
Diversity is important. We are always keen to create a group with people from different backgrounds. The participants benefit from their different professional backgrounds and experiences. In addition to the permanent training management by Christian Hartwig, other experts from complementary disciplines are available for the training.
Group Size
The numbers of participants for the training is limited to size between 6 and 12 people. In our experience this a good ratio of active participation and learning in the group.
All modules can be visited independently (including lesson materials and graduation certificates, snacks and soft drinks).
The prices for the modules individually:
Module 1 - Basic Course (variant A or B)
€ 783, - with confirmation of registration and 2 installments of € 783, - (total € 2350, -)
Module 2 - Mediation in the fields of Family, Business & Employment € 560, -
Module 3 - Intervision-Inclusive
Module 4 - Supervision € 585, -
Total price: € 3495, -
Full package: € 3250, - for modules 1 to 5 of the training with a total of 200 hours.
Participation is exempt from VAT in accordance with § 4 no. 21 letter a, double letter b UmstG.
Anmeldeformular (PDF)
Kontakt und Anfragen
Ausbildungsstandards des BM