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Christian Hartwig works independently and full-time as Mediator and Trainer both licensed by the Federal Association of Mediation (Bundesverband Mediation, the largest European Organisation for Mediation). From the U.S. American „Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation“ (ISCT) he is certified as a Transformative Mediator ™ and is the institute's contact person for the application and dissemination of the method in German-speaking countries. He regularly leads workshops on mediation and adequate dispute resolution at the Humboldt University in Berlin, the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg and the Central European University in Budapest. His firm offers a variety of training programs as well as dispute resolution services.
Personal message:
"The use of the transformative approach to mediate in various disputes can be very effective by helping the parties to change their destructive interaction to a more positiv, connected and humanising way to communicate. People with different backgrounds have the need to develop greater understanding in order to make better decisions. By following the parties in their conversations the mediator encourages them to explores the differences they have and helps them to decide how to deal with those differences. The strength and responsiveness they gain during the difficult conversation derives from the reconnection to oneself and the another. It can restores the ability of the parties to resolve problematic issues on their own."
Personal education:
He studied law at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, ÉLTE Budapest and Humboldt University Berlin with the focus on Mediation and Conflict transformation. In the area of ADR, he completed following traninings:
- ABA approved negotiation and mediation training program of Tulane Law School in Berlin with Prof. Len Riskin. (ABA)
- BM approved one year long training with the Deutsche Familienverband 'German Family Association' (BM)
- A mediation apprenticeship at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in NYC with Prof. Lela P. Love(YU)
- NYS Unified Court System approved Transformative Mediation training with Jody B. Miller (NYCOURTS)
- Master Class in Transformative Mediation with Prof. Joseph P. Folger
- Training program in Supervision with Mathias Nelle according (DGSv)
- Trainings informally, i.e.: Organisational Development for BM supervised by Gerhard Leinweber; transformative mediation with Peter Miller, einem amerikanischen Mediator und Trainer für Mediation; in Mindfulness durch Professor Leonard Riskin
Personal experiences:
He has worked at the Dispute Settlement Center of Victoria (DSCV), Australia and New York Peace Institute. In order to further advance the use of mediation in Germany, he volunteers for the Federal Mediation Association (BM) in the management of the specialist group of Transformative Mediation and Trainings.
He has written articles on mediation for "Spektrum der Mediation".
What if ...? Interview with Christian Hartwig in English (with French subtitles):
MediationStudio interviewing Christian Hartwig during the ICC Mediation Competition in Paris (Feb. 2016).
Here you can find the video: